Definition of a decree
Un decree It is a regulatory measure taken by an executive authority (government, president, prime minister, etc.) to enforce or clarify a law passed by the legislative branch. Decrees carry the force of law and primarily concern the organization or implementation of public policy on a national scale. They allow the executive to detail technical or administrative aspects of a law without requiring a new vote in parliament..
Types of decrees
Decrees vary depending on the country and its legal structure. There are several types:
Simple Decree : Adopted by a government or a minister, it does not require parliamentary consultation.
Decree in the Council of Ministers : Adopted during a meeting of the Council of Ministers, it carries greater significance, such as the creation of broader regulations.
Decree-Law : Used in emergency situations in some countries, this decree allows the executive to legislate temporarily without going through parliament.
CHow a decree is adopted
The process of adopting a decree varies by country, but it generally follows these steps :
Proposal : A decree is written by a ministry or government agency.
Approval : The decree is submitted to the competent authority (president, prime minister, etc.) for approval.
Publication : Once approved, the decree is published in the country's official journal for implementation.
Function of a decree
Decrees often serve to:
Applying laws passed by Parliament, specifying certain technical points.
Regulate specific areas without going through new legislation.
Managing emergency situations, such as health or economic crises.
Difference between decree and law
Une A law is adopted by the legislative branch (parliament), while a decree is an administrative measure adopted by the executive. Laws establish general rights or obligations, whereas decrees specify how these laws will be implemented.
Countries that have created decrees based on international drug treaties
Les international drug treaties, comme la Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, require signatory countries to adopt national legislation to regulate or ban certain substances. Many countries have created decrees to implement these conventions at the national level.
1 France
Legal basis : Law of December 31, 1970 (amended several times)
Implementing decree: Decree of January 5, 2016 (concerning medical use)
Legal basis:Controlled Substances Act de 1970
Presidential Decree: Obama Administration 2014 Justice Reform Order (Changing Drug Priorities)
3 Canada
Legal basis:Cannabis Act from 2018
Implementing decrees: Regulations specifying the production, distribution, and use of cannabis
4 Thailand
Base Legal basis :Narcotics Act
Implementing decree: 2018 decree for medical use; 2022 reform for decriminalization and cultivation
5 Netherlands
Legal basis: Tolerance policy (cannabis tolerated in coffee shops))
Implementing decrees: Coffee shop regulations, maximum quantities, etc..
6 Uruguay
Legal basis : Law 19.172 of 2013
Implementing decrees : Regulations on cultivation, distribution, and consumption
7 Germany
Legal basis: Narcotics Act (BtMG)
Implementing decree : 2017 Decree authorizing the medical use of cannabis
8 United Kingdom
Legal basis:Misuse of Drugs Act de 1971
Implementing decree: 2018 Decree authorizing the medical use of cannabis
9 Spain
Legal basis: Citizen Security Act (2015)
Regional decrees : Regulations of cannabis social clubs (especially in Catalonia)
10 Mexico
Legal basis: General Health Law and Federal Penal Code
Implementing decrees: 2017 Decree for medical use; 2021 reform on personal consumption
11 India
Legal basis :Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS) from 1985
Regional decrees : Regulations for traditional uses such as bhang
12 South Africa
Legal basis : Constitutional Court decision in 2018
Implementing decrees: Ongoing reforms for private culture and consumption
13 Jamaica
Legal basis: Legislative reforms of 2015
Implementing decrees: Decrees for possession, cultivation, and medical use
14 New Zealand
Legal basis :Misuse of Drugs Act from 1975
Implementing decree: 2018 Decree for medical use
15 Argentina
Legal basis : Law 23,737
Implementing decrees: 2020 Decree for Medical Culture and Scientific Research
16 Chile
Legal basis : Drug Control Act 20,000
Implementing decrees: 2015 Decree for medical use
17 Brazil
Legal basis : Law 11.343/2006
Implementing decrees : 2019 Decree for Medical Derivatives
18 Portugal
Legal basis : Law 30/2000 (decriminalization)
Implementing decrees : 2018 Decree for medical use
19 Greece
Legal basis:Law 3459/2006
Implementing decrees : Decrees of 2017 and 2018 for medical use and cultivation
Un decree is a legislative tool used by national governments to implement or clarify laws, including those arising frominternational treaties. With respect to cannabis, many countries have adopted decrees to meet their obligations under treaties such as the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961. These decrees often clarify the implementation of laws, thereby regulating the production, possession, and consumption of cannabis in accordance with international agreements.